Practical Course of Veterinary Toxicology has began
Practical course of toxicology started today.
Toxicology is the study of evaluating the safety/hazardousness of various chemical substances such as pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals, and cosmetics. Modern society is made up of hundreds of thousands of different chemical substances.
Toxicology is a very important discipline in terms of evaluating the safety of chemical substances and their appropriate use, and it can be said that toxicological research is essential for protecting our health.
At Kitasato University, the practical course of toxicology is offered in the Autumn semester of the third year of veterinary school.
During the course, students can learn about molecular biological experiments using micropipettes, histopathological searches under a microscope, and alternative methods for animal experiments using cultured cells.
Macroscopic and microscopic perspectives on life are essential in the safety assessment of chemical substances. Toxicology is a comprehensive martial art of veterinary medicine that requires a combination of knowledge from a wide range of fields, including anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, pathology, and molecular biology (known professionally as interdisciplinary science).
We hope that through the course, students will be able to realize how the specialized knowledge they have learned so far can be useful in society.