

Jiayan Sun has won the Student Poster Award at the Japanese Society of Toxicology!

In July 2024, Jiayan Sun, a sixth-year undergraduate, won the Student Poster Presentation Award at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Toxicology held in Fukuoka!

The awarded research title was "Evaluation of Aromatic Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) Activation by Sensitizing Agents in Recycled Paper Effluent."

This study assessed the toxic effects on fish of ink-derived components found in wastewater from paper recycling plants, using both computer simulations and biological experiments. While paper recycling might seem environmentally friendly and beneficial at first glance, this research advocates for the importance of scientifically evaluating its environmental impact.

Recipient of the Student Poster Presentation Award at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Toxicology:

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